Our 1% Rule

Hey guys what's up k-sly here checking in with you on a Saturday hope everybody weekend is going well so far we've been in the studio been dancing like normal but it's such hard work I'm not complaining by no means I was talking to my sister and my dad and he had me think about something he asked me a question because I was talking about how hard it's going to be to make a lot of money and well what he told me was a rule that he always went by and the rules that he wants us to go by and I thought about it for a minute but the rule is his 1% rule which is now our 1% rule and kind of goes like this.

If you have 1% of a million fans, that means you have 10,000 fans. If you sold a song for 99 cents each, then by selling to all 10,000 fans you could make 10,000 * $0.99 = $9,900.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all fans will buy your song, so the amount of money you could make would be less than $9,900. It also depends on various other factors such as promotions, marketing, and the overall demand for your music.

Making money from your music can be a challenging task, especially for independent artists. However, with hard work and dedication, it is possible to earn a significant amount of money from your music. And you guessed it after saying all that it made me want to work even harder but the reason I'm sharing is with you guys is because I know that there's a lot of artists out there that are just like us and even better than us but without the mental fortitude in the willingness to take all the bad and that little girl that comes out and you have to have 100% love of what you're doing so that you can get what you really want out of it so I so I guess I'm saying we want to make millions of records sales that would be awesome! But reaching for the Stars is nothing wrong with that but you got to have a plan we're happy with our 1%, rule but that's not where we're we want to be but will we be happy with that 1% oh yeah but remember this 1% of 0 is? But anyway that's all I have for you tonight guys don't forget to check out our song Happy Days out right now on every music platform also subscribe follow and show love. Talk to you tomorrow k2kallday!

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